Acupuncture is a healing modality built on theories about the movement of energy in the body. To do this, Kristy will slide very thin solid needle into specific points that she chooses based on a client's symptoms, history, pulses, tongue and other signs. These points are on channels called meridians, which connect to all the organs in the body. Chinese Medical Theory states that health will happen when there is a smooth flow of energy (Qi) through the body, mind, and spirit.
Acupuncture tends to "take us where we need to go". For instance, if you are very tired it can help you sleep. It can help you regain control over your own health by decreasing pain and increasing a sense of well- being. Sometimes it will bring underlying issues to the surface so they can be dealt with. And it can help one cope with stressful situations much more easily. The World Health Organization has recognized its benefits for several conditions, including pain relief from illnesses and side-effects of treatments for cancer, stroke, headache, menstrual problems, asthma, low back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, addiction and bowel disease. Acupuncture stimulates the body's natural healing processes and is effective with few side effects.
Kristy has developed and grown a busy practice in a very rural part of northern Wisconsin for the last 26 years. She has worked successfully with people suffering from many different disharmonies. Many of her clients have come back to see me when they are experiencing other issues and she receives referrals from them as well. Many years ago she taught 5-Element acupuncture classes at the Minnesota Institute for Acupuncture and Herbal Studies (MIAHS) which is now part of Northwestern Health Sciences Center.
Kristy tends to view the world through the lens of the movement of energy across time and seasons. Chinese Medical theories helps to make sense of different signs and symptoms that the western world finds confusing, and these theories work in the context of all aspects of life as well as health. Apart from her approach to life, she is known as the woman whose name is written on every fire hydrant in town for my ability, at one time, to rescue dogs in need of help. Kristy has been on various boards in the Chequamegon Bay area including Chequamegon Humane Association, League of Women Voters and as a member of the Washburn City Council.
To make an appointment with Kristy Call 715-373-5491 Cell 715-209-1485 Or go to AcupunctureNext