Acupuncture Is the insertion of tiny, solid needles into specific points along channels of energy called meridians. Technically, it is "dry needling". However, the training in Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture is very complex, and can absorb a life-time of learning. It is based on the idea that the movement of energy in the body is a healing force.
Treatments involve working to understand where energy is stuck, and what to do to re-balance it, according to the principles and techniques of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture. The process includes taking the pulses, feeling the warmth and coolness in the body, looking at the tongue, listening to the history, and coming to know the person behind the symptoms
Treatments involve working to understand where energy is stuck, and what to do to re-balance it, according to the principles and techniques of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture. The process includes taking the pulses, feeling the warmth and coolness in the body, looking at the tongue, listening to the history, and coming to know the person behind the symptoms
Practitioners Offering Acupuncture
Kristy Jensch
Kristy Jensch